Thursday, September 28, 2017

How to get a Visa Extension in Cairo Egypt

You go to Mogamma building, at the Tahrir square.                     Sep. 2017

What to take:

  • 1 copy of your passport
  • 1 copy of Entry-Visa
  • 1 passport picture 
  • Money... I needed 570le  for a 6 months visa

Go early... at 8am, the queues are smaller.

go to the first floor, security, walk into the right hallway, keep on walking till the end, turn right to the next hallway, there's lots of people waiting. Somewhere in the middle of this hallway, opposite another hallway to the right, there is a desk, get here an application form and fill it in. Don't queue to get the form, just go aside and ask/take the form.

Go to window at the right handsite of window 13. There is no number or description.  Here you present your passport, picture and the copies. You can ask up to 3 months, if you need a 6 months visa or more, you need to get an extra signature first from the police in the corner opposite the office-window (men in white with stripes)

You receive the form back with the bill, you need to pay that at the bank office.
Go to the bank office, go back for that, halfway the hallway, there is another hallway to the left and a little bit further you will find the Bank office.  Pay the bill. Mine was 570le. Last year it used to be 50le

You get a papers with a stamp and a receipt.
Now go to window 13 and they will add information into a book and to your visa.  Be sure you know the address of the place where you live or show a business card from a hotel.
Beware that you need to get your visa extension in the region where you stay. If you stay in a rented flat it can get complicated, you need to prove that with bills from electricity etc... It's easiest to bring a business card from a hotel from downtown.

They will tell you to come back the next morning with your passport at 9am.
window 38

Next morning come back at 9am, give them your passport and they tell you you can come to collect at 1am at window 38

Then at 1am...  wait at the window together with the others, until your name is called. Can take a while. Don't push, no need to be in the front... just arrive at 9 and hopefully you have good karma.

enjoy the process 😀😀

Monday, September 25, 2017

Cairo is a car graveyard...

Cairo, Egypt, has a population of 10 million people and probably about the same number of cars or more. People drive new and old cars. There's almost no public parkings, so they park on the streets, wherever they can. New cars without a scratch or a bump are only seen in the shops. As soon as a car leaves the shop, it gets scratched, bumped. It's not a matter of "if", it's a matter of "when".

When a car stops driving, they park it on the street. And forget about it. Every street has those cars. Flat tires, sinking in the dust, plants growing under, next, on them... It's heaven for the lovers of oldtimers for sure!

But before they are sent to the graveyard, they drive it until it falls apart. There's no sign of any governmental yearly technical inspection. Everything is allowed. A typical sign you notice at night. You want to cross a street and vaguely you see a car approaching at high speed. It's dark and car has no lights. Fortunately you are aware that this can happen and you are prudent. You let the car pass, thinking he forgot to put on his lights. But when you see the car from the backside, there's lights! 

This happens all the time... at least 1 out of 20 drives at night without lights. It's scary.

Welcome to Egypt, formerly known as the land of the camels, today the land of the cars.